Sunday, October 5, 2008

Keep the Fire(proof) going!, here's a challenge. Go to the listing of movies currently playing in your area. Now, of all the movies showing in theaters across the country, name or identify which of them can actually make a difference in someone's life or family?

If you're honest, there is only one...FIREPROOF.

I'm not of the camp that says every movie has to change lives. I love movies as an escape, sometimes. I enjoy an engrossing, morally decent film that I can get lost in. Then you have those films that are "RIDICULOUS" or "INCREDULOUS" and not worth the time to preview. But, way too seldom do we have the chance to view a theatrical movie that CHANGES LIVES. Hear are just a few of MANY stories from people across the nation whose lives and even legacies were impacted by the movie FIREPROOF during the opening weekend of the movie:

"After we left the movie, we were both quiet and reflective on how utterly real that movie was to us. We also knew that, just as in the movie, it took Jesus to make us see the truth of where our problems came from. I wish I could say we were perfect now, but I can say that we are not living without hope anymore." (Laura)

"As the movie played, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit come over my wife and me. The movie spoke to me directly about the issues in my life and I was drawn closer to my wife. We were both teary eyed in each other's arms as the movie ended. We went out to dinner afterwards and talked like we were on a first date. ... Like the movie says, it is hard, but our marriage is worth it. ... I haven't felt closer to my wife in years." (Mike)

"As newlyweds, my husband and I are in the beginning stages of growing our marriage. We laughed, we cried, and prayed with one another that God will guide us away from putting our marriage in that situation. Thank you for the blessing of this story ... you are changing the world one marriage at a time!" (Theresa)

"Thanks for showing me what REAL love is! I am still waiting for my special someone and I intend to never leave my partner behind. Thanks for the encouragement through this movie! That is the kind of love I want my future spouse to know from me!" (Ashley)


"Wow! This movie was such a Godsend. My friend and I went to see the movie. I cried and she cried for me. The movie was so real it was like it was me in the movie. My marriage was on the verge of divorce after 14 years. We'd given up. Well, before I left the movie theater that day I bought tickets for my husband and me. We went the very next day. He cried. I cried. "While we were walking to the parking lot, my husband took me by the hand and told me he was so sorry for everything he had ever done to me. I know it's not all my husband's fault; we were both to blame. This movie is definitely life-changing. We are on the right track. Please don't give up on your spouse. You don't leave your partner. Thank you for this movie; you have changed my life." (Aimee)

To see other stories sent in from more than 1100 viewers who were impacted by the movie CLICK HERE

To Laura, Mike, Theresa, Ashley and Aimee, FIREPROOF was more than "just another movie" changed their marriages and their lives.

So, why am I sharing this with you? Well, FamilyLife has been so privileged to be a major partner with FIREPROOF in the promotion of this film. And, in my role as the Partnership Strategy Director, I had the incredible experience to work with many of the people involved in the making and promotion of FIREPROOF. They are men and women of God who desire to make a REAL and lasting difference in marriages around the nation. So, as a ministry partner, we don't want to "leave our partner behind". And, if FIREPROOF is going to continue to be played in theaters long enough for people to see it and be impacted by it, there needs to be a reason to keep it at theaters...people going.

FIREPROOF is shocking Hollywood and they would love nothing better than to see this movie crash and burn (pun's also ironic that the ridiculously inane movie, "Religulous" is out at the same time). If we don't continue to go, bring friends, small groups from church, neighbors, family members, etc., they will soon have to pull the movie from theaters.

So, if you haven't gone, consider enjoying an afternoon matinee today. I've had a number of friends and family call and tell me they really liked the movie as well as its message.

And, if you have gone, consider going with one of the groups mentioned above. Take someone with you.

As our ministry partner, this is just one way you are helping us, help others! This is why we're here. This is one of those rare opportunities where we can reach millions at one time with the message, "God loves marriage"...He created it and has a plan for it. Thanks for allowing us to be a part of this!

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